Sunday, 31 July 2016

Cumin water helps you loosing weight.

Are you fat?? If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more. Everyone has thinking about like this but today we are going to tell you something different from what you are thinking. Here is nothing to do either more exercise or eat less. But you should follow below instruction which is given about cumin. Cumin helps to you loosing your weight easily and faster as well.

Loosing weight is the main problem for the people of today's society.  Using cumin in foods can reduce the weight. It helps to fight with fat inside the body to reduce it and make digestive system healthy. Cumin is a Masala which gives good taste and smell contained with foods items. It have a various function related to health of human beings. In many kind of disease, it is used as medicine which contain magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus. It is used by Mexico, India and North America in maximum number which reduces the weight rapidly.

It have many function instead of loss the weight below:

- It is useful for the patient of cholesterol.
- It prevent from hear attack problem.
- It help to increase memory power.
- It produces the blood in body.
- It make digestive system healthy and prevent from acidity.

The ways for reducing weight by cumin below:

  • Drinking water with cumin: Take two spoon cumin with a glass of water and put for whole night and next morning, boil it and drink like a tea and chew all cumin. Taking this medicine helps to reduce weight and through out the unnecessary things from the body.
  • Cumin powder with curd: Mix 50 gram curd with a spoon of cumin powder and take everyday which reduces the weight.
  • Other things made with cumin are: Make vegetable soup and mix a spoon of cumin with it. Make brown rice and mix with cumin. These things give taste and helps to reduce body weight.
  • Lemon, Ginger and Cumin: Lemon and Ginger both helps cumin to reduce the body weight. For this, carrot and some vegetable are required with ginger paste, lemon and cumin which reduces the weight.
  • Reduce fat: Cumin contain protein and anti-oxidant which helps in digestive system and reduce fat of stomach. Cumin increase the power of digestive system and protect from acidity.
  • Prevent from heart attack: It prevent from cholesterol and reduces the body weight with preventing from heart attack. 

Saturday, 30 July 2016

The main reason for coming Pimple and its treatment methods.

Pimples are often comes to all men & women. Its comes of age, who is becoming teenager. Nepali language called, Pimple is a sign of teenager. When people are become teen, Pimple will start to visible on their face. Since the Pimples come on face, the face was disfigured for teenagers. A Pimple is a small pustule or papule. Pimples are small skin lesions or inflammations of the skin - they develop when sebaceous glands (oil glands) become clogged and infected, leading to swollen red lesions filled with pus. So Pimple is not a huge and danger diseases. The Pimple drug should be start on time. Otherwise, it will grow up day to day more and it will cover your face and you are looking very ugly.

Here are the main reasons to come the Pimple:

  • Youth Harmon excess.
  • To be bad stomach or bad blood.
  • Dirty skin.
  • Using various types of creams.
  • The deficiency of Vitamin - A.
  • Many fat diet.
  • Many desire ti have intercourse, or many will masturbation. 
  • Study the many stimulating literature.
  • Watching stimulating movies.
  • To suffer menstrual wrong. 

How to cure the diseases of Pimples?

  • Before sleep wash your face with warm water and take hot water vapor for face.
  • Before Sunrise go to morning walk.
  • Before sleep apply Olive oil on your face or make Nutmeg powder & milk paste and apply it.
  • Make a paste of dried Orange peel powder with water and apply it on your face.
  • Mix the leaves juice of Sour-sweet (Amala) & Margosa (Neem) and before sleep apply it on your face, Pimples will disappear as well as face will become glowing and whiteness.
  • Mix the Mustard oil one spoon and two spoon of Shrikhand oil and apply it on your face. 
  • Mix the Lemon juice, Honey and Cinnamon powder and apply it before you sleep and wash it after 15-20 minutes.  

Note: Don't try to squeeze the Pimple by your fingers because of it will get black spot on your face, which is make you a very ugly. When Pimples on your face, it is not declared what should eat or what should not eat but don't eat more oily foods. And don't be sleep late at the night. 

Pimple comes a time, and disappear on its own. Don't use various types of medicine for it. Don't try to almighty immature Pimple, as a result - Pimple will failure and face become ugly. If you follow all of the above mention tips, Pimple itself being ok. Keep in mind, Pimple is not a huge and danger disease.     


Friday, 29 July 2016

Some home remedies ideas for prevent Diarrhea !! Diarrhea symptom, causes And prevents.

Diarrhea is inconvenient, unpleasant and happens to nearly everyone in most of summer seasons.  Diarrhea is a second most common illnesses in the world. Diarrhea is a condition in which faces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form. 

How to get know beginning Diarrhea symptom ?

  • Start to paining stomach slowly slowly.
  • You will start to go many times toilet, when it comes to defecate as a thin water.
  • Tongue appear dryness.
  • Water began to thirst.
  • As a alternate way of hard walking, where found belonged take rest. 

 Causes of Diarrhea:

  • Weather change.
  • Consume stale food diet.
  • Ate food intolerance, digestive power.
  • Before digest, eat food again.
  • Uses and drinking dirty water.
  • Without washing hands properly by soap & water, to eat the food.

During the Diarrhea what should do:

  • Drink pure water as much as.
  • Eat Rice, Yogurt and soft food items.
  • Drink cold could matter, Like a - Rice water, Boil lentil with water, Beans juice etc.
  • Eat Cucurbit curry & Yogurt with water.
  • Drink more Lemon, Orange and Pomegranate juice.
  • Mix one glass of water, one spoon of sugar and one spoon of salt than drink every hour when you are thirsty.
  • You most eat Cucumber, Water melon, Sweet melon, Sugar cane and Apple. 

During the Diarrhea what should not do:

  • Don't drink Alcohol, Tea, Coffee, & Milk.
  • Fridge stored food items, don't eat recently when you take from fridge.
  • Don't eat Sour Pickle, Potato, Cabbage etc.
  • Don't eat 8 hours already prepared salad.
  • Don't eat stale food items.

How to Prevent Diarrhea yourself in your home:

  • Daily drink boiled water only.
  • Stomach keep covered by warm cloth.
  • Wash hands properly before eat.
  • Cut your hands nails daily basis.
  • Keep the Onion paste around Naval.
  • Don't keep stop chemicals.  
  • Don't keep habit in sleep during the day.

The three different ideas that gives freshness to your skin.

The main problem of skin is dryness, oily skin and the clumsy skin. Your skin looked terrible when you are suffered from such problem. Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching and cracking. It can occur for a variety of reasons. Some people has naturally dry skin and may experience frequent symptoms. However, even the oiliest skin can get dry at times.

When your skin returns to the old condition than there will be the dead skin along with it and when the dead skin falls there will be many elements hanged and left there. If you adopt come ideas than the new skin born there and the skin gets clean and you will get shiny and brighter skin. There will be many creams on the market which might be expensive as well. Here are some of the home made remedies that can give birth to new skin and will get the new and shiny skin.

You don't need to invest much for this home remedies, here are the easiest way that brings the freshness in your skin and you can get ready at 10-15 minutes. Here are the three different ideas that gives freshness to your skin.

- You can use sugar pack and get the freshness in your skin again. The roughness in sugar will take out all the dirt of your skin and it will bring freshness in your skin. To prepare the sugar pack you will need  white sugar half cup, raw coconut oil and pineapple juice 1/4. And mix it properly and massage it on your face.

- Take one ripped banana and two spoon honey and mix it and add some lemon juice on it and mix it properly and apply it on your face and before using it clean your face and after applying it keep for 15-20 minutes and wash it with clean and cold water.

- Steam of water remove the dead cells of the skin and wash it with the natural soap or face wash to open the pores of the skin and cover your face with towel and leave your face on the vapor of the water. Than leave few drops of warm water on face and clean your face with natural soap or face wash. Applying this tips, you can bring freshness on your skin.

Aloe Vera can help you for your healthy and beauty face.

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. It grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medical uses. Aloe Vera is one of the used ingredients for beauty products, due to it's numerous medicinal properties and health benefits. However, you do not need to spend a fortune on expensive beauty products in order to have a healthy and glowing skin.

Namely, You most need to do a simple procedure and you will significantly improve the quality of your skin. You most rub the Aloe Vera to on your face everyday for a period of a week. After a 7 days, you will notice huge improvement, your skin will become so soft and glowing. 

How to apply Aloe Vera on the face?

This method is extremely simple and easy and all you need to use it, of course Aloe Vera. However, the effects will be brilliant. This is how to use Aloe Vera to get the healthy and beauty skin, you should follow some of the below procedure:

- You should wash Aloe Vera plant well before using. Take an Aloe Vera plant and do not peel it but wash it well and clean all its leaves.

- You should soften the Aloe Vera leaves. Gently thump on the leaves to soften them.

- You should cut off the edges of the leaves from both sides with a knife, in order to move it open and to be able to peel it easily.

- You should split the leaf in two parts. With your hands split the open leaf and if you can not do it easily, use a knife to split through it center.

- Then, You rub all over your face, use by your fingers to apply the Aloe Vera juice all over your face. Use the leaf to massage the face and leave the juice for 15-20 minutes to dry on the face.

- At last, rinse your face. Peel the Aloe Vera mask off the face and wash the face with clean water. Do not use any chemical product of soap in washing as it may reduce the effect of the Aloe Vera. 

- Now, You will get Healthy and Glowing skin. With a clean towel, dry the face and you can see your face simply glow, soft revitalized and healthy.

This is very simple and easy method to make your face healthy and beauty. Try once and get back to us with your valuable comments. Hope, you will enjoy with this home remedies method. 


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