Friday, 27 October 2017

Take this home remedies slimming tonic before you go to bed, It will lose your stomach fat within one week.

All we have stomach fat which we want to eliminate it. This can be very difficult to eliminate. You need to take care of yourself and before going to bed drink from recipe, which we are going to present you in addition. It is very effective and you just will lose your stomach fat through the night, while sleeping.

Its main ingredients are parsley and cucumber, which have diuretic properties and will boost your immune system, speed up your metabolism and give you a full body detox.


A bunch of parsley.
1 cucumber.
1 piece of ginger root.
1/2 cup of water.
1/2 Lemon.

Preparation: First chop the parsley nicely to get at least a teaspoon of the herb and cut the cucumber into slices. Take a blender and add the ingredients, blending until a thick paste is formed. You can add a bit of honey if you wish sweeten it.

Dosage: Drink this amazing slimming tonic before you go to bed. In just a few weeks you'll notice the belly slowly disappearing and your energy levels increasing. Drink it in combination with some light exercise and a healthy diet plan if you want to get even better results.

Source: Healthy Life

Remove those ugly dark patches from your skin by using this natural home remedies.

Dark skin spots or patches are a common issue which affects many people and even though it's not a medical problem per say it still very unattractive and everyone who has it tries their best to fix this condition.

They usually appear on the neck, under the arms and on the inner things and can be a result of a combination of factors. Ineffective cleaning of the neck area, excessive sun exposure or a genetics issues are the most common causes of this condition. Other known causes include diabetes, poly-cystic ovary syndrome and sudden weight gain or weight loss.

Dark skin patches can be removed via cosmetic treatments but these treatments usually involve the use of chemicals and can be rather costly. For those who don't like to expose their skin to unnecessary chemical treatments or just can't afford it, we've got the perfect natural remedy which guarantees amazing results.

Required Ingredients:

One tablespoon of Olive Oil,
One tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
One tablespoon of Salt.


Make a smooth cream by mixing all of the ingredients in a plastic bowl. Then, apply the cream on the skin area with dark patches, and allow it to stay for about 20 minute. After this period, wash it with plenty of cold water.

Another option to remove dark, almost black skin stains, is by using milk, white clay, and lemon. Add lemon and milk in a bowl with white clay, and mix well. Apply the obtained mixture on the skin area and let it stay for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the skin with cold water.


Use sunscreen with appropriate UV protection when going out in the sun.
Consume foods rich in vitamin - E and drink a lot of water.
Use extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and preferably skim milk for the preparation of the remedy.
You can also add a bit of coconut oil in the mixture.
Do this procedure three times per week. until the dark patches disappear.

This natural recipe is definitely worth trying it !

Source: My Healthy Life Vision

How to cure Tonsillitis and sore throat in only 4 hours!

Tonsillitis is a dangerous disease, mostly doctors solve this problem with surgery, but that, in fact is not true. Many natural cures have been proven to be effective treatments of angina, without medications and surgeries.

In this article, we are going to talk about the most common, the most effective and successful remedy. Back in the days, ancient people used seeds of cumin as the most dominant and potent seed in treating sore throat and tonsillitis.

It will take only 4 hours of your day and it will solve your problem easily and cheap because it's probably already in your kitchen.

Thankfully, this information has passed from many generations and it's still here:


1 tbsp of whiskey or cognac
80 grams of cumin or black seeds
250 ml filtered water

Put the seeds in the water and let them boil for approximately 15 minutes. When the mixture combines you will get a thick black structure.


Take one tablespoon in every 30 minutes for 4 hours. You don't have to wait for results. The improvements show immediately.

Source: World of health 365

Thursday, 12 October 2017

महिलाले दिनहुँ हस्तमैथुन गर्दा के हुन्छ ?

हाम्रो समाजका धेरैजसो मानिसले महिलाहरू हस्तमैथुन गर्दैनन् भन्ने मान्छन्, तर वास्तविकता त्यस्तो होइन । महिलाहरूले पनि हस्तमैथुन गर्छन् । एक अध्ययनअनुसार ८२ प्रतिशत महिलाले हस्तमैथुन गरेको अनुभव भएको बताएका छन् ।

महिलाले कसरी हस्तमैथुन गर्छन् ?

योनिलाई नै महिलाको प्रमुख यौनअङ्ग मानिन्छ । महिलाहरूमा योनिबाहेक अन्य विभिन्न अङ्ग पनि यौनका दृष्टिकोणले संवेदनशील हुन्छन् । जस्तै कि भगक्षेत्र, ठूलो तथा सानो भगोष्ठ, भगांकुर, स्तन । त्यसबाहेक मुख तथा अधर, नितम्ब, गुदद्वार, मलाशय, चर्म ९छाला० लाई यौन अङ्गका रूपमा नलिइए पनि हामीले प्राप्त गर्ने धेरैजसो यौनसुख यिनै अङ्गबाट प्राप्त गरिरहेका हुन्छौं । जाँध, तिघ्राको भित्री भाग, घाँटी, काखी आदि पनि यौन संवेदनशील हुन सक्छन् । स्पर्शको अनुभूति विभिन्न किसिमको हुन सक्ला, जस्तै कि मर्दन, हल्का स्पर्श, सुमसुम्याई आदि ।

पुरुषको तुलनामा महिलाहरूको हस्तमैथुन गर्ने तरिकामा बढी विविधता हुन्छ । महिलाहरूले विभिन्न यौनअङ्गलाई प्रयोगमा ल्याई हस्तमैथुन गरेको पाइन्छ । हस्तमैथुनमा यौन परिकल्पना एउटा महत्वपूर्ण पक्ष हो । हस्तमैथुन गर्दा आफूले चाहेअनुरुप यौन क्रियाकलापमा संलग्न व्यक्ति, स्थान अनि आशनको कल्पना गर्न सकिन्छ र यसमा मानसिक पक्ष सबल रूपमा जोडिएर थप आनन्द प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
भगांकुर चलाउनु वा यसको घर्षण नै महिला चरमसुखमा पुग्ने सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण यौन क्रियाकलाप हो । यो यस्तै ९० प्रतिशत महिलामा यौन संवेदनशीलताको केन्द्र हो । आफूलाई सजिलो लाग्ने वा मन पर्ने कुराले यसलाई चलाउन सकिन्छ । चलाउने वा घर्षण गर्नेबाहेक दबाब दिने, बिस्तारै हल्लाउने वा जोडले हल्लाउने वा यसलाई कुनै वस्तुमाथि थिच्ने जस्ता अनेक उपाय गर्न सकिन्छ । पानीको हल्का फोहराको प्रयोगलाई पनि कतिपय महिलाले विशेष उत्तेजना प्रदान गर्ने उपायका रूपमा लिएका छन् ।

केही पसाउनु स् योनिमा केही पसाएर यौन आनन्द प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ । यसो गर्दा योनिमा पर्याप्त मात्रामा रस आइसकेको हुनुपर्छ र यौन उत्तेजना हुँदा त्यो स्वाभाविक रूपमै हुन्छ । त्यस्तो नभएको स्थितिमा अन्य कुनै चिप्लो पदार्थ प्रयोग गर्न बिर्सनु हुँदैन । त्यसरी पसाउने कुरा सफा भएको कुरा सुनिश्चित गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।
यौन प्रसाधनको प्रयोग स् भगांकुर होस् वा योनि, हस्तमैथुनमा औंलाको प्रयोग नै महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ । औंला बहुउपयोगी हुने भएकाले नै चाहेअनुरूप दबाब, गति, तरिकामा गर्न सकिन्छ जसले आनन्द थप्छ नै । त्यसबाहेक शरीरका अन्य अङ्गहरूको स्पर्श, मर्दन वा सुमसुम्याई यौन आनन्द प्राप्त गर्ने कुरामा सहायक हुन्छन् । अचेल यसरी यौन आनन्द लिने क्रममा महिलाहरूले यौन प्रसाधन वा वस्तुहरू पनि प्रयोग गर्न सक्छन् । कतिपयले पुरुषको लिङ्ग आकारको कृत्रिम वा प्राकृतिक वस्तु पनि प्रयोग गर्छन् । अंग्रेजीमा भ्राइबेटर भनिने यौन प्रसाधन विभिन्न आकार तथा प्रकारमा पाइन्छन् । तुलनात्मक रूपमा यसको प्रयोगले यौन आनन्द प्राप्त गर्न सजिलो भएकाले पनि कैयौं महिलाले यस्ता साधन मन पराएका छन् ।
केही असर गर्छ कि ?
तपाईंले के कुरालाई संकेत गर्नुभएको हो स्पष्ट भएन । हस्तमैथुन एउटा स्वाभाविक प्रक्रिया हो । यौन आनन्द प्राप्त गर्ने उपायहरूमध्ये सबैजसोका लागि यौन संवेदनशी अङ्ग जस्तो यौनअङ्गको घर्षण नै प्रमुख हो । यौनसम्पर्क गर्दा यौन अङ्गहरू एकआपसमा घर्षण गराइन्छन् । मानिसले आफ्नो यौनअङ्गको घर्षण अरू कसैको यौन अङ्गमा गराए मात्र यौन आनन्द प्राप्त हुने होइन । सिद्धान्ततस् यौनसम्पर्क गर्दा र हस्तमैथुन गर्दा यौनअङ्गको घर्षणबाट यौन आनन्द प्राप्त गर्ने प्रक्रिया उस्तै हो । त्यसैले यौनसम्पर्क गर्दा हानि हुँदैन तर हस्तमैथुन गर्दा हानि हुन्छ भन्न मिल्दैन ।
यौनसम्पर्क दिनहुँ गर्दा हानि हुँदैन भने हस्तमैथुन गर्दा मात्र हानि हुने कुरै भएन, तर यसलाई प्राकृतिक नमान्नेहरूमध्ये कसैले यसलाई पापसँग जोडेका छन् भने कसैले खराब स्वास्थ्यसँग । त्यसैले समाजमा अनेकन् मिथ्या धारणा व्याप्त छन् । महिलाको हकमा हस्तमैथुनले योनि खुकुलो हुन्छ कि भन्ने चासो हुने भए पनि त्यसमा सत्यता छैन, त्यसैगरी हस्तमैथुन गर्दा कौमार्य भङ्ग हुन्छ भन्ने कुरालाई पनि सत्य मान्ने आधार छैन, किनभने यो कसैसँग गरिएको यौनसम्पर्क होइन ।
फाइदा नि ?

सर्वप्रथम त हस्तमैथुनले यौनइच्छाको दमनबाट हुने तनावबाट मुक्ति प्रदान गर्छ । तनावबाट मुक्त मान्छे बढी सकारात्मक रूपमा सिर्जनशील हुन सक्छ । यसरी यौन चाहना शान्त पार्न मद्दत पुर्‍याउने भएकाले कतिपय यौनअपराध कम गर्न सहयोग पुग्छ भन्नेहरू पनि थुप्रै छन् । यस्तै हस्तमैथुनले अनावश्यक गर्भधारण, अन्य व्यक्तिसँगको यौनसम्बन्ध, त्यस्ता क्रियाकलापमा खर्च हुने धन तथा समयको दुरुपयोगबाट पनि जोगाउँछ । अर्को व्यक्तिसँग यौन सम्पर्क नै नहुने भएकाले अहिले चर्चामा रहेका एचआईभीरएड्स वा अन्य यौनरोगहरू लाग्नबाट पनि जोगिने नै भयो ।
यसले व्यक्तिमा स्वस्थ भएको अनुभूति दिन्छ भने आत्मसम्मान वृद्धि, शरीरको प्रतिविम्ब राम्रो बनाउनेदेखि निद्रालाई समेत सहयोग गर्छ । यसले मानसिक अनि शारीरिक तनाव कम गर्न पनि सहयोग गर्छ । यो कटि प्रदेश र योनिक्षेत्रको मांसपेशीलाई बलियो बनाउन पनि सहयोगी हुन्छ । यी मांसपेशी बलियो हुँदा वयस्क उमेरमा थाहै नपाई पिसाब फुस्कने समस्या कम हुन्छ । नियमित यौनसम्पर्क गरिरहेका व्यक्तिले पनि हस्तमैथुन गर्छन् ।
कतिपयले महिलाले हस्तमैथुन गर्दा चरमसुख पनि राम्रोसँग प्राप्त गर्ने कुरा उल्लेख गरेका छन् । यौनसम्पर्क गरेर यौन चरमसुख प्राप्त गर्न गाह्रो भएका महिलाहरूका लागि त हस्तमैथुन वरदान नै हो भन्न सकिन्छ । दुवै जना मिलेर कसरी बढीभन्दा बढी यौनआनन्द लिन सकिन्छ भन्ने कुरामा कुराकानी वा छलफल गरेर हस्तमैथुनसहितको विभिन्न यौन क्रियाकलाप गर्दा यौन आनन्द प्राप्त गर्न सहयोग मिल्छ ।
सामान्यतस् यौनेच्छा पूरा भएपछि थप यौनसम्पर्क वा हस्तमैथुन गर्न सकिँदैन । आफ्नो दैनिक जीवनलाई नै असर पार्ने गरी लत बसेको छ भनेचाहिँ चिकित्सकको मद्दत लिनुपर्छ ।

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Kidneys and the body of Toxic Substances is absolutely clean by only a cup of drinking !

For various reasons it is toxic substances accumulated in our body. It couldn't take out in time, our body will be harmed. So, how the kidney and other body parts out of toxic substances? 

No need to worry. There are some natural treatments for this system, which can easily help the our body out of the toxic substances. This treatment has mined the body bringing miraculous change, which is make our body free of toxic substances and makes energetic.

For this purpose following goods are needed:

  1. A glass of water.
  2. Apple
  3. Lemon
  4. Ginger   

Note: As far as the tares, will be the best use of all organic materials.


Put the all materials (Lemon, Apple, Ginger and Water) together in the juice machine and extract Juice from it. Intake in the morning on an empty stomach. If you feel some effect (better than before) you can repeat  this order weekly twice. This will get your body miraculously changed. When the toxic substances out of the our body, Our healthy body will continue to receive energy and you will be fit and fine. 

These three different ideas that gives freshness to your skin.

The main problem of skin is dryness, oily skin and the clumsy skin. Your skin looked terrible when you are suffered from such problem. Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching and cracking. It can occur for a variety of reasons. Some people has naturally dry skin and may experience frequent symptoms. However, even the oiliest skin can get dry at times.

When your skin returns to the old condition than there will be the dead skin along with it and when the dead skin falls there will be many elements hanged and left there. If you adopt come ideas than the new skin born there and the skin gets clean and you will get shiny and brighter skin. There will be many creams on the market which might be expensive as well. Here are some of the home made remedies that can give birth to new skin and will get the new and shiny skin.

You don't need to invest much for this home remedies, here are the easiest way that brings the freshness in your skin and you can get ready at 10-15 minutes. Here are the three different ideas that gives freshness to your skin.

- You can use sugar pack and get the freshness in your skin again. The roughness in sugar will take out all the dirt of your skin and it will bring freshness in your skin. To prepare the sugar pack you will need  white sugar half cup, raw coconut oil and pineapple juice 1/4. And mix it properly and massage it on your face.

- Take one ripped banana and two spoon honey and mix it and add some lemon juice on it and mix it properly and apply it on your face and before using it clean your face and after applying it keep for 15-20 minutes and wash it with clean and cold water.

- Steam of water remove the dead cells of the skin and wash it with the natural soap or face wash to open the pores of the skin and cover your face with towel and leave your face on the vapor of the water. Than leave few drops of warm water on face and clean your face with natural soap or face wash. Applying this tips, you can bring freshness on your skin.

Daily use Aloe Vera for your healthy and beauty face.

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. It grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medical uses. Aloe Vera is one of the used ingredients for beauty products, due to it's numerous medicinal properties and health benefits. However, you do not need to spend a fortune on expensive beauty products in order to have a healthy and glowing skin.

Namely, You most need to do a simple procedure and you will significantly improve the quality of your skin. You most rub the Aloe Vera to on your face everyday for a period of a week. After a 7 days, you will notice huge improvement, your skin will become so soft and glowing. 

How to apply Aloe Vera on the face?

This method is extremely simple and easy and all you need to use it, of course Aloe Vera. However, the effects will be brilliant. This is how to use Aloe Vera to get the healthy and beauty skin, you should follow some of the below procedure:

- You should wash Aloe Vera plant well before using. Take an Aloe Vera plant and do not peel it but wash it well and clean all its leaves.

- You should soften the Aloe Vera leaves. Gently thump on the leaves to soften them.

- You should cut off the edges of the leaves from both sides with a knife, in order to move it open and to be able to peel it easily.

- You should split the leaf in two parts. With your hands split the open leaf and if you can not do it easily, use a knife to split through it center.

- Then, You rub all over your face, use by your fingers to apply the Aloe Vera juice all over your face. Use the leaf to massage the face and leave the juice for 15-20 minutes to dry on the face.

- At last, rinse your face. Peel the Aloe Vera mask off the face and wash the face with clean water. Do not use any chemical product of soap in washing as it may reduce the effect of the Aloe Vera. 

- Now, You will get Healthy and Glowing skin. With a clean towel, dry the face and you can see your face simply glow, soft revitalized and healthy.

This is very simple and easy method to make your face healthy and beauty. Try once and get back to us with your valuable comments. Hope, you will enjoy with this home remedies method. 

Remove those ugly dark patches from your face skin by using this natural home remedies.

Dark skin spots or patches are a common issue which affects many people and even though it's not a medical problem per say it still very unattractive and everyone who has it tries their best to fix this condition.

They usually appear on the neck, under the arms and on the inner things and can be a result of a combination of factors. Ineffective cleaning of the neck area, excessive sun exposure or a genetics issues are the most common causes of this condition. Other known causes include diabetes, poly-cystic ovary syndrome and sudden weight gain or weight loss.

Dark skin patches can be removed via cosmetic treatments but these treatments usually involve the use of chemicals and can be rather costly. For those who don't like to expose their skin to unnecessary chemical treatments or just can't afford it, we've got the perfect natural remedy which guarantees amazing results.

Required Ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of Olive Oil,
  • One tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
  • One tablespoon of Salt.


Make a smooth cream by mixing all of the ingredients in a plastic bowl. Then, apply the cream on the skin area with dark patches, and allow it to stay for about 20 minute. After this period, wash it with plenty of cold water.

Another option to remove dark, almost black skin stains, is by using milk, white clay, and lemon. Add lemon and milk in a bowl with white clay, and mix well. Apply the obtained mixture on the skin area and let it stay for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the skin with cold water.


  • Use sunscreen with appropriate UV protection when going out in the sun.
  • Consume foods rich in vitamin - E and drink a lot of water.
  • Use extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and preferably skim milk for the preparation of the remedy.
  • You can also add a bit of coconut oil in the mixture.
  • Do this procedure three times per week. until the dark patches disappear. 

This natural recipe is definitely worth trying it !

Source: My Healthy Life Vision


Importance and value of eyes is more to those who are blind. According to physician, eyes can able to separate 500 different colors and can read 36 thousands bits data in 1 hour. Eyes contain more than 17 million cells which done their work properly. Doing such more work than other organs of body. Eyes are more sensitive. Eyes only get relief from work while people are in deep sleep.

- With the nutritious food eyes need vitamin and care because working for long time, cells of eyes become damage and people become blind. Therefore, check your eyes at particular time and consult with physicians.

- Green vegetables, fruits which contain vitamin A, C, Folic Acid, Selenium and Zinc are essential for eyes. These elements are obtain from Oranges, Lemon, Carrot, Grapes and Papaya.

- If you are feeling unfit in eyes, consult as soon as possible with physicians. Use medicine with consulting doctors. There are lots of eye drops available in the market which are beneficial for eyes. But you have to consult with doctor before use such eye drops.

- Those people who are working with more light, in front of computer or other visual equipment have to give rest in short time for eyes. You have to see far around your surrounding, closing and opening yours eyes to make eye healthy.

- Do eyes exercise for many times at your work place. Moving your eyes all around with round shape is most beneficial exercise. See towards open blue eyes and at green surrounding are most beneficial. Such habits give rest to eyes.

- Use cucumber paste are beneficial for eyes. Use the cucumber paste for more than 15 minutes on eyes which give rest, cold and remove eye spot of eyes. 

Friday, 28 July 2017

यसरि बिक्रि हुन्छन हाम्रा चेलीहरु बिदेशी बारमा भिडियो सहित

So you improve and tone your muscles in the gym, or maybe you do your own little exercises at home, or maybe you’re just wishfully thinking you actually physically exercise. Either way, here is how you can train one of the most important parts of your body, your brain.

First of all, what happens when you train your brain?
You can avoid potentially embarrassing situations when you actually remember someone’s face and name!
You’ll be able to pick up different sorts of skills much faster.
You’ll avoid diseases that will hit you as you get older. Alzheimer’s? No, thank you.

Put your memory to work

Memory activities that involve all levels of brain operation – receiving, remembering and thinking – help improve the brain’s functions. Studies suggest practising remembering events or things and discussing them afterwards with others. This helps flex your memory muscles.
The simplest way to help yourself remember what you see is repetition. Say, for example, you just met someone new and he introduces himself as William, don’t just respond with “Nice to meet you“. Instead, say, “Nice to meet you, William.”

Learn something new

This one’s a no brainer, because the more you use your brain, the better its performance will be. Learning a new instrument improves your skill of translating something you see (sheet music) to something you actually do (playing the instrument). On the other hand, learning a new language exposes your brain to a different way of thinking and another means of expressing yourself.

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Follow a training programme

The internet is teeming with apps and exercises that will help you improve your brain even while you’re sitting on your couch. Clinically proven programmes like BrainHQ help improve memory and thinking abilities through their various training exercises.

Spend time with your loved ones

If you want to make the most of your cognitive abilities, then nurturing meaningful relationships in your life are necessary. Talking and engaging with friends and loved ones not only lifts your mood but helps you think more clearly.

Skip the crossword puzzle

When we think of brain fitness, many of us think of crossword puzzles. Although it’s true that they improve our fluency, studies show that these puzzles are not enough by themselves. They are fun, yes, but they don’t really sharpen our brains. So if you do these puzzles for fun, go ahead. However, if you’re in it for your brain, you might want to opt for another activity.

Feed your brain

Yes, the food we eat can actually affect our brains! Fish, fruits and vegetables are just some of the foods that help our brain perform better. And you know what else? Dark chocolate! When you consume dark chocolate your brain produces dopamine. And this organic chemical helps you learn faster and remember better. So next time you have something difficult to do, make sure to grab dark chocolate and have a bite or two!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

10 nosebleed causes and home treatment methods.

Bleeding is the process of travelling blood besides nerves and flow out from body. Bleeding from nose is the blood flow out from body through nose. There are many reason of bleeding from nose. According to research, around 70% people haven't any reason of bleeding from nose. 30% reason of bleeding from nose can also classified into two parts; health problem of nose and other problems. Here are 10 main causes of bleeding from nose.

नथ्री फुट्नुका यी १० कारणहरु !

1. Accident: Accident can cause bleeding from nose if nose get injured. Such accident may cause the break of nerves and blood flow out from body. Similarly, if the bone of nose is not straight, bleeding can occurs.

2. Change in climate: This can also be the cause of bleeding blood from nose. While changing climate from summer to winter and vice versa, nerves of nose get thinner and cause bleeding from nose.

3. Dryness: Dryness inside the nose also cause bleeding from nose.

4. Infection: Simple viruses, common cold, cough, can also causes bleeding from nose. Similarly, different types of bacteria also cause bleeding from nose.

5. Nose tumor: Nose tumor also cause bleeding from nose. If the human suffer from brain tumor, he suffer from nose bleeding. 

6. Problem in nerves: Problem in nerves of nose also cause bleeding from nose.

7. Lack of that element which make the blood freeze into body can also cause bleeding from nose. Vitamin C and Protein are those elements which make blood freeze.

8. High blood pressure, heart problem, diabetes and similar type of health problem also cause bleeding from nose. But, all patient of such health problem can not suffer from bleeding from nose.

9. Asthma and cough also cause bleeding from nose.

10. Problem which developing blood cells in human body also cause bleeding from nose.


If regularly blood flow out from your body. It is a simple and keep the patient's head up and make them face towards the sky. But if the blood flow towards the neck and goes inside the body, such situation is complicated. Sometimes, blood block the pipe of lungs and human can die because of block of oxygen in lungs. So, consult doctors immediately, if the blood flow inside the body.  

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

10 hair care essential tips for this summer especially ladies

Who has not experienced a bad hair day? Sun, heat, and humidity, not to mention chlorine and salt water — challenge all hair types, from curly to wavy to straight, leaving some of us with unmanageable, dry and even damaged hair. While all of these are reasons enough to lead to a bad hair day and cause long-term damage, a little pre-emptive care is all your hair needs to stay lush and beautiful this summer. Follow these essential tips to maintain healthy hair this summer.

1: Detox

Hair care starts with you! Maintain a well-balanced diet daily. For example, a high intake of dietary fat can increase oil on the skin which can lead to greasy hair, so it’s best to avoid it. Include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as you can to maintain lustrous locks.

2: Use a shower filter

Using a shower filter helps remove any impurities in water which can directly damage hair follicles.

3: Minimize stress

Stress is a key factor that aids in hair loss. Whether or not hair loss is genetic, stress can work as a trigger to speed up the hair loss process.

4: Good hygiene

By maintaining your hygiene, your body is more prone to absorb Vitamin D levels and promote healthy hair growth. This can be done through having a healthy diet, exercise and showering regularly.

5: Opt for a wash every other day

Do not wash your hair as frequently during harsh summer days. Opt for a wash with only your conditioner, rather than shampoo.

6: Drink enough fluids

While you may be doing all of the above to protect your hair from the sun, if you are not drinking enough water, you are not going to achieve anything. Your hair and your skin will benefit immensely from the amount of water you drink so, keeping your hair healthy and leaving you hydrated.

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7: Brush your hair

Brush your hair regularly. This will minimize tangles and prevent breakage (which can lead to split ends) that can occur when you brush your hair post-shower and can have a great effect on your hair volume in the long run.

8: Minimize use of hair products 

Minimize the use of hair products, such as gels, hairspray or any other product that may have high sulfates. These products directly cause dryness to the hair and make it weak.

9: Take precautions

Be aware of any balding or thinning areas on your scalp. This can happen as early as your 20s, so if you notice this make an appointment with a reputed hair restoration facility.

10: Do your research

If you are looking into hair restoration, know it’s a lifetime investment. Do your research accordingly.

Over time, by implementing these steps into your daily routine, your hair can become healthy and stronger. However, sometimes hair damage is inevitable and cannot be predicted and so the best remedy for this situation would be to seek proper medical advice from a hair restoration expert.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Suggest you to do this seven exercises even at work !

If working long hours at the office is eating away at your exercise time, don’t despair. Make the most of your time by exercising on the job. Staying seated on a chair in front of a computer desk is worse than you might think, so don’t hesitate to indulge yourself in a quick workout. Here are seven exercises you can do while sitting down in the office that do not require that you get out of your seat.


For buns of steel, clench your buttocks and hold for ten seconds, do five sets of eight reps. The beauty of this exercise is that your managers and coworkers won’t see any movement and need not even know that you’re secretly exercising on the job.

Ankle rotations

Rotate your ankles in both directions for five seconds. Do five sets of eight reps in each direction. This exercise can strengthen the flexibility of your ankles and make you less likely to suffer from sprains.

Arm stretches

Just because you’re seated at your desk doesn’t mean your arms can’t do just about anything they want. Many arm exercises can be performed while seated at your desk. Stretch the muscles in your right arm by reaching as far to the left as you can with your right arm while supporting it in the crook of your left elbow and then hold it there. Feel the stretch for five seconds. Do eight reps before switching over to your left arm.

Calf muscle toning

Give your calf muscles a work out by raising your legs up on the very tips of your toes while remaining seated. Your calf muscles should start to burn after a few seconds. Hold for ten seconds and then repeat eight times.

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Rotating at the waist

Strengthen your core by rotating at the waist while remaining seated. Rotate as far to the left as you can and hold for five seconds, then repeat on the right. Complete five sets. Grab the backrest of your chair with your hands for extra support.


Move to the edge of your seat and lean back on the backrest. Then lift your straightened legs a few inches above the ground and raise your back a few inches off the backrest. Feel the burn in your abdominal muscles and hold for ten seconds. Eight reps of ten seconds each can strengthen your core considerably when done regularly.

Leg lifts

Starting with both feet flat on the floor, do leg lifts, starting first with the right leg and then the left. Lift each leg until it touches the underside of your desk. Do ten sets of eight reps to strengthen your thigh muscles and your core.

Being busy is never an excuse to not stay fit. While you should always try to make time for proper cardio and weight training, never forget that there are many other ways you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Doing a couple of simple exercises while sitting down in the office each day can, when done regularly, help to improve your flexibility, muscle tone and strength.


Thursday, 22 June 2017

Most Effective Way to Stop Migraine in an Instant

There’s no mild definition for migraines. For some people, it’s the worst nightmare one could ever have. Migraines are nothing like headaches.

As sufferers say, these are a lot worse. The pharmaceutical industry offers numerous solutions for the treatment of this debilitating ailment, but most of these come packed with dangerous chemicals.

Have you ever considered treating your migraine naturally? If you think that herbs or fruits can help you, you may want to think again.

Migraines make you sensitive to everything around you. Even the slightest sunlight can make the pain even worse. Blind spots, flashes of light, tinging in the limbs, vomiting, and nausea are just some of the sensory warnings.

The treatment can sometimes require tons of patience. Prescription drugs have the power to relieve the symptoms of migraine, but it’s just a temporary relief.These drugs are harmful to your health, and they do more harm than good. The worst thing is that the pain will always come back after the drug wears away.

The only side that benefits from prescription drugs is the pharmaceutical industry. It’s just a cycle in which you take one pill after another. So, instead of reaching for a pain-killer, try our natural remedy. It’s made from high-quality salt, and we suggest that you use Himalayan pink salt. The second basic ingredient is lemon juice. Lemons have an incredible alkalizing effect.

When combined with Himalayan pink salt, the citrus fruit is even more powerful.


½ tsp. Himalayan pink salt
½ lemon, juiced
1 glass of water


All you have to do is stir your lemon juice and salt in the water, and drink your pain-relieving remedy. You should notice the first signs of improvement within a few minutes.

Sunday, 11 June 2017


Every unhealthy bite and every minute spent sitting, remind us hated fat in the body.

Their break is possible with changing habits, healthy eating and activity, but fortunately there are natural helpers who work easier.

A key ingredient of these two beverages is pepper. It helps in the breakdown of manotite in the body, so it is an ideal addition to any recipe.

In addition we find two powerful drinks for this purpose:


Red drink with pepper

• ¼ teaspoon pepper
• 1 piece of ginger root cleaned
• 10 fresh strawberries
• 2 cups chopped mango, pineapple, kiwi and other tropical fruit (only one) • 3 tablespoons cider vinegar
• 2 dcl water

Place all ingredients into a blender and mix. Drink beverage morning.

Green drink with pepper

• ¼ teaspoon pepper
• 6 spinach leaves
• 1 small sprig of parsley
• ½ cup sliced tropical fruit if desired
• Juice 1 lemon
• 2 dcl cream

Preparation: Replace in a blender and mix. Drink drink in the morning or afternoon as a snack.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Rub This mask on Scars, Wrinkles, and Stains on Your Skin and watch them already disappear !

Believe it or not, you don’t need expensive store-bought products to remove wrinkles, dark spots, blemishes, and scars on the skin because there are easily-affordable natural methods that can help you solve these skin problems and look much younger.

The one we’ve chosen for today restores the freshness and smoothness of the skin by improving the circulation. It’s also great for people who have problems with acne as it’s known to balance the skin’s tone.

Here’s the recipe:

1 tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tbsp of ground nutmeg
1 tbsp of cinnamon powder
1 tsp of organic honey


Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl until you get a homogeneous mixture. If you have sensitive skin, add a bit more honey because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics that will lower the inflammation of the skin.

If the mixture is too thick, dissolve it with a bit of water. When the mask is ready, wash the face with soap and water and tap it dry. Then, with the help of your fingertips, massage the mask onto the face with circular movements. Be careful around the eyes, nostrils, and mouth area. Leave the mask for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Apply a natural moisturizer, like coconut oil.

You can repeat the method three times per week. If you feel a tingling sensation while the mask is on your face, don’t worry, this is a sign that it’s working.

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