Tuesday, 31 January 2017

These 7 health problems can caused by your wrong sleeping style !

Many people have a habit of sleeping facing towards ground which can cause different health problems because sleeping facing downward affect the blood circulation of human body. It cause pain on body. 

Here are some health problems which are caused due to sleeping styles.

1. Back Pain:
While sleeping downward facing, the bone of back part is at unnatural position which leads back pain.

2. Pain on muscles:
Due to this style of sleeping, problems in blood circulation which cause muscles pain.

3. Pin on neck:
This sleeping style makes muscles stretching and affect on blood circulation which cause shoulder and neck pain.

4. Digestions: 
It can cause problems in digestive system.

5. Headache: 
This sleeping style make stretching of neck and shoulder muscles which results headache too.

6. Problem on face:
Sleeping facing downwards also affect the face because skin of face unable to get sufficient oxygen and result pimples on face.

7.  Joint pain: 
It also cause joint pain of your body.

Advantage of sleeping facing towards left:

- Heart is located at left part of chest which make to do the work of heart easy and helps in blood circulation.

- Due to poles of earth, digestive foods easily transfer to large intestine and lower part of body from small intestine which easily outflow in morning time.

- Bad elements and toxin of body outflow through lymphatic system.

- It can control acidity because sleeping facing left side prevent the acid burp on mouth.

- It make body healthy because of good circulation of blood and sufficient oxygen.

नेपालीमा रूपान्तरित:

Monday, 30 January 2017

The 9 main reasons to getting kidney damage ! Please avoid this things and save your kidney !!

People takes medicine in normal headache and stomach ache without asking the suggestion of doctor. This affects the kidney.

Here we are going to explain you about some of the reasons that brings the problems in kidney.

1. More salty food: More salty food will bring the problem in kidney. This will increase the blood pressure and affects the kidney.

2. Non-veg food Meat contains protein: The metabolic load increase in the kidney due to more meat and due to this there will be the risk of kidney stone.

3. Alcohol: Drinking more alcohol brings the problems in kidney. This will affect the liver as well. Drinking more cold drinks also affects the kidney.

4. Smoking: Toxin gets collected and this will damage the kidney and due to this blood pressure also increase.

5. Holding urine for long: We hold urine to complete the work in time and this directly affects the kidney. The bacteria gets contaminated in kidney and there will be infection.

6. Drinking less and more water: You need to drink 8-10 glass of water per day only. If you drink less than there will be problem in the toxin kidney function. Even drinking more water affects kidney.

7. Eating more food: Eating more food will affect kidney. This will increase weight. So it is not good to eat more foods.

8. Proper sleep: Due to study people won't sleep even for 7-8 hours and this will increase the blood pressure and there will be the risk of kidney disease.

9. Using more medicine: Due to use the more medicine there will be the risk of kidney fail.

Source: Medianp.net

Saturday, 28 January 2017

The main reason of fast urine flow problem !

Many people are facing a problem of fast urination but they don't know the reason. Generally, drinking lots of water, coffee and tea and other juice item are the cause of fast urination. Beside these also, you are facing fast urination, it is a serious problems. Here are the some reason which cause fast urination.


1. Due to small size of gall bladder, problem of fast urination cause.

2. Drinking more water is also a cause of such problem.

3. Stone in kidney give pressure to bladder and cause fast urination. It cause pain too.

4. As per increasing age, nerves of bladder also passive which cause fast urination.

5. Increasing glucose due to diabetes have to pass out from body through urine which results fast urination.

6. Some medicines produce urine in body, results fast urination.

7. Coffin contain in tea and coffee also make urination.

8. Drinking alcoholic things also cause fast urination.

9. Urine tract infection feel people tension and cause fast urination.

10. Due to increasing size of protest organs, it cause fast urination. 

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Friday, 27 January 2017

Take this natural mixture before you go to sleep, it will help to burn easily fat around your stomach !

The most difficult burn is the fat around the stomach and legs. While you sleep, the body burns fat, which means that it is better for the body, the longer you sleep and that is straight 8 hours. The body recovers and develops muscles, but does nothing to fat during sleep. The metabolism must improve i.e. even when you are asleep, the digestion has to be continued by the body, in order to begin the fat melting.

Certain mixtures have powerful laxative effects which are more effective than mixtures that stimulate fat-burning process. However, it would be ideal if a specific mixture had both of the qualities.

Fat accumulated around the stomach and hips is the most difficult to get rid off. Moreover, the body burns fat while you sleep, meaning the longer you sleep, the better it is for your body line.

This drink has to ability to stimulate the fat-burning process while you sleep. It has been proven that with this mixture your body fat will melt as never before.

An hour before going to sleep, mix the following ingredients:

  • Pinch organic parsley
  • 1 organic lemon, freshly squeezed
  • 1 teaspoon organic cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon organic ginger
Consume the resulting mixture instead of dinner. You won't believe the results.

Here are a few ways on how to effectively lose weight with the aid of ginger:

  • Brew ginger tea and drink it at least twice a day. This can help in improving digestion to successfully combat obesity.
  • Slice some ginger root and chew it before you eat your meals. If you don't like the taste, you can grate ginger root first and add some lemon juice and salt. You only need to chew two pinches before every meal. This does not only improve digestion, but also decrease your appetite.

  • In all your meals, add ginger to spice it up and lose weight faster.  

We really hope you find this article helpful, so, don't forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank you !


Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Use this method for keep clean kidney and lose weight within 5 days.

Today we are going to share with you a recipe which will not only clean your kidney but also help you lose weight in just 5 days:


Fresh coriander
- One lemon
- Half cup of water


Squeeze lemon juice onto a bowl and add some chopped coriander and half cup of water in it. Mix it in a blender and your magical weight loss juice is ready.


Coriander has powerful anti oxidant which revitalizes the cells. It makes kidney's work more effective and the minerals in it makes kidney stronger. It also word to flush toxins from kidney and get rid of fat.

It also beta keratin, chlorophyll and vitamin - C which helps to fight against cancer and other infections. It is also a good for flushing toxins from body. It also controls blood pressure and protects kidney.


Lemon is high in Vitamin C and B which helps to clean kidney and body and keeps us healthy. Lemon is low in sodium which is very good for kidney. The mixture of the two creates a stronger compound which improves digestion and promotes weight loss.

How to use:

Drink this juice on an empty stomach every morning for 5 days and again continue after a gap of 10 days which will help you get the desired results.
Source: Medianet

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Mix these 2 ingredients and use it properly as given instructions then say goodbye to Sinusitis, Phlegm, Flu, Rhinitis and More...... !

Sinusitis, Cold, Flu, Phlegm and Rhinitis are all conditions happening in the head. Sinusitis is inflamed and/or swollen sinuses, usually caused by an allergy, bacterial, fungal and viral infection. 

The most common symptoms of sinusitis are thick nasal mucus, headaches, cough, congestion, clogged nose, fatigue and facial pain. When it comes to treating these health issues, majority use prescription antibiotics.

Read This Also:


However, they come with certain side-effects, so it's best to avoid them when there's a natural solution to the problem you're dealing with. And this is case, there is a natural remedy that will help you alleviate your symptoms and treat your condition in an instant.


  • One medium-sized ginger root
  • Two dl. apple cider vinegar

Preparing and Using Method:

Great the ginger and mix it with 2 dl. apple cider vinegar in a glass bowl. Store it in a glass jar and cover it with a lid. Keep it at a room temperature for ten days, and don't forget to shake it occasionally. 

To reduce the inflammation in your sinuses, lower your head over the jar with a towel over your head and inhale the vapors of the mixture. Inhale for 5-10 minutes. Then, soak a handkerchief in the APV/ginger mixture and place it on your neck before going to bed. Leave it to stay overnight.

Do this treatment for 5 consecutive days and you'll notice improvements. You'll notice your pain significantly relieves thanks to the strong scent of ginger. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Take this natural mixture two times a day and lose your weight without exercising!

As unbelievable as it sounds, the recipe designed for natural and fast weight loss is very simple to make. It takes a few minutes to prepare and it should be stored in the fridge and taken when needed. Mix a batch every morning before you eat or drink anything else.

Feel free to try more types of honey and cinnamon, until you get the results, flavor and taste of the drink.



  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 liter of pure water


  1. First, take a small saucepan and mix the honey and cinnamon with the water in it.
  2. Bring the mixture to boil
  3. Transfer the mixture into a cup and divide it into two 1/2 cup quantities


The first half should be taken an hour before breakfast and the second half should taken before bedtime.

Once you drink the mixture before bedtime, place the leftover in the fridge for the next morning. Consume that half on an empty stomach next morning. It has been said that besides cleansing the body, this amazing drink supports weight loss, without the need of making any changes in the daily diet.

Additional Tips:

  • It has been said that regular consumption of this drink can help you lose up to 5 pounds in a week, without making any changes in your daily diet. The results heavily depend on the type of cinnamon you use, as there are a couple of different types. For instance, you have Indonesian cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon.
  • Even though Cassia is sold as cinnamon, it is not the "real" cinnamon and it may provide different results. Avoid using this type of cinnamon for an extended period of time and in high doses.
  • To preserve honey's nutrients and benefits, it is recommended to add it once the water boils.   


Many materials and sources which recommend this diet explain that its effectiveness lies in its ability to prevent accumulation of fat in the body. According to other sources, honey acts and antioxidants and works on several levels.

Cinnamon affects the blood sugar and the way it is processed, which in turn allows the body to break it down easily and prevent formation of fat. Proponents of the diet believe that cinnamon's effects are more enhanced when it comes to abdominal fat when compared to other body parts.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Lemon will helps you to make super white skin with these two ingredients !

You might love lemonade and lemon chicken, but your skin and hair love lemons even more - they have an amazing range of beauty benefits. 

How to use lemon as face whitening moisturizer


  • 1/2 teaspoon aloe Vera gel
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Preparation and use:

Mix all ingredients well and apply the mixture before going to bed as moisturizer.

How to use lemon as skin whitening mask


  • 1 tablespoon chandan powder
  • Lemon juice

Preparation and use:

Mix well until you get homogeneous paste. Then apply it on clean face and neck and leave to act until dries. Then wash it off. It is advisable to utilize it every alternate day.

How to use lemon as skin whitening exfoliator


  • Salt
  • Coconut oil
  • Lemon juice

Preparation and use:

In a bowl add salt and then squeeze the lemon to get 1 teaspoon lemon juice and mix well. Gently scrub your face with the resulted combination. Leave to act 20 minutes and finally wash off with cold water.

How to use lemon as skin whitening toner


  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons Rose water

Preparation and use:

Combine these two ingredients. After you wash your fact, dip cotton ball in the solution and apply on your face. Finally. apply moisturizer.

How to use lemon as skin whitening massage cream


  • 2 tablespoons papaya paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon glycerin
  • 1/2 spoon lemon

Preparation and use:

In a bowl add the glycerin. Then squeeze out lemon juice and finally add papaya pulp. Gently massage your face with the resulted mixture for 5 minutes. Leave to dry for 5 minutes and wash it off.

We really hope you find this article helpful and don't forget to share it with your friends and family.
Source: Greentreemadic.com

Saturday, 7 January 2017

This home remedies can help you to say goodbye to high blood pressure and clogged arteries !

The mixture we are suggesting today contains three incredibly powerful natural ingredients and it will help you to fight common colds, infections and cardiovascular problems. 

The combination of these ingredients is much more effective and beneficial than any of them alone. It is in fact, a traditional German recipe that has been used for centuries to boost overall health. 

It contains Ginger, Lemon and Garlic.

This is how to prepare it:


1. 4 cm/1.5 inches of ginger root
2. 4 unpeeled lemons
3. 4 Garlic cloves
4. 2 liters / 67.6 oz filtered water

Method of preparation:

Wash the lemons and cut them in slices. Peel the ginger and the garlic cloves. Then, place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Then, place the mixture in a pan and heat it by slowly adding the water. Stir and heat until it boils. Then, remove it from the heat and leave it to cool. Strain and pour the remedy into glass bottles and keep them in the fridge.


You should consume this remedy daily, 2 hours before a meal, twice a day. Shake the bottle well before use as the ginger might remain on the bottom. Also, you should not worry about the smell of garlic as it is neutralized due to the lemon and ginger.

Enjoy this potent natural remedy and treat high blood pressure, unclog arteries, boost your heart health and strengthen the immune system.

We really hope you find this article helpful and don't forget to share with your friends and family. 
Source: healthylifeidea.com

Friday, 6 January 2017


The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans were all aware of the positive effects of the essential oil Frankincense. The Egyptians even bathed in it thinking it would make them look younger. This not only had a positive effect on the mood, it also helped to reduce stress and generally improve health. Frankincense oil, which is produced from the resin of the Boswellia tree, has a spicy smell with hints of lemon and honey. When you find out what it can do, you'll never want to be without it again.

1. Relieve Coughing

If you have a cold and are constantly coughing, this oil can be a big help. Simply apply it to your neck and throat or put a few drops in water and gargle it.

2. Remove Scars

Mix Frankincense oil with coconut oil, rub it on your scars and let it soak in. After a few applications, you'll notice that your scars are not as obvious.

3. Treat insect bites

If your skin is irritated, itchy or red, a few drops of Frankincense oil can help. Simply rub it on the affected area.

4. Boost your immune system

Ingest a few drops of Frankincense oil to give your immune system a boost. This will help prevent colds and other illnesses brought on by a weak immune system.

5. Find Inner Peace

Put a few drops of Frankincense oil on your neck to aid concentration. This will also make you feel more emotionally balanced. Frankincense oil stimulates the production of noradrenalin and dopamine which help to counteract fatigue, bad moods and general lethargy.

6. Heal Wounds

Putting frankincense oil on a cut or other skin injury will help it to heal faster.

7. Remove Wrinkles

You don't need expensive Botox shots or anti-aging creams to battle those wrinkles. Mix some frankincense oil with a couple of lavender leaves and apply it to your face in the morning and the evening. After a few minutes you can wash it off with lukewarm water.

8. Relieve anxiety

If you're suffering from anxiety, you can put a few drops of frankincense oil on your hand and then inhale it. You'll feel calmer and more relaxed.

9. Sleep better

If you're having problems falling asleep, staying asleep or getting out of bed in the morning, you can try putting a small bowl of frankincense oil beside your bed. You'll get a noticeably better night's sleep.

10. Meditate

Frankincense helps you to breath more deeply and for this reason is often used for mediation. If you want to try meditating to help you relax, you'll also find it easier to concentrate on the task at hand. Who would have thought that an essential oil could be so beneficial to your body and soul? From now on it should be a standard part of every medicine cabinet!

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