People takes medicine in normal headache and stomach ache without asking the suggestion of doctor. This affects the kidney.
Here we are going to explain you about some of the reasons that brings the problems in kidney.
1. More salty food: More salty food will bring the problem in kidney. This will increase the blood pressure and affects the kidney.
2. Non-veg food Meat contains protein: The metabolic load increase in the kidney due to more meat and due to this there will be the risk of kidney stone.
3. Alcohol: Drinking more alcohol brings the problems in kidney. This will affect the liver as well. Drinking more cold drinks also affects the kidney.
4. Smoking: Toxin gets collected and this will damage the kidney and due to this blood pressure also increase.
5. Holding urine for long: We hold urine to complete the work in time and this directly affects the kidney. The bacteria gets contaminated in kidney and there will be infection.
6. Drinking less and more water: You need to drink 8-10 glass of water per day only. If you drink less than there will be problem in the toxin kidney function. Even drinking more water affects kidney.
7. Eating more food: Eating more food will affect kidney. This will increase weight. So it is not good to eat more foods.
8. Proper sleep: Due to study people won't sleep even for 7-8 hours and this will increase the blood pressure and there will be the risk of kidney disease.
9. Using more medicine: Due to use the more medicine there will be the risk of kidney fail.

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