Natural remedies that can effectively lighten the dark skin, which are common ingredients you already have in your kitchen.
Darkened skin in the public area is a common cosmetic issue for most people. But you can easily ignore it during the winter, when you are all covered up in layers of clothes, the summer is a completely different story, especially for women. Mean, we all know the importance of the bikini zone, don't we?
Now, let's take a look at the root cause for this condition. Skin discoloration in the public area, on the neck and armpits, is medically referred to as acanthosis nigricans (AN). This condition often results in thicker skin with a smooth, almost velvety touch. A quick visit to your dermatologist will determine whether the condition is serious. Acanthosis nigricans is prevent in people of Africa descent.
AN can be inborn or caused by diabetes, obesity or a glandular disorder. A number of studies have also linked the condition to regular use of oral contraceptives. If you are affected with this condition, there are several natural remedies that can effectively lighten the dark skin area. All of the treatments are very low-cost as they use common ingredients you already have in your kitchen.
Best of all, you can easily do these at home and avoid unpleasant dermatological treatments. Below ingredients are here:
Lemon juice is abundant in vitamin C, which is a natural whitening agent. What you do is, take some freshly squeezed lemon juice and rub it in the discolored area. Let it act for about 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water. You should see positive results in a month or two. It's highly recommended not to shave or wax before the treatment as citric juice will further irritate the skin.
Sandalwood and Rose water:
Aloe Vera Gel:
Plain Yogurt:
Orange juice and Turmeric:
Gram Flour:
Even though it may take a couple of weeks before you see the results, your patience will be well worth it in the end. Natural remedies are completely safe and don't cause irritations as chemical-laden commercial products do.
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