Just because the summer weather is here doesn’t mean that it’s time to join a gym to avoid the heat outside. All you need to do is to follow these steps to ensure that you keep yourself safe while doing your regular exercise routine this summer season.

Mind the time
It’s no secret that you should avoid the hottest time during the day, which is essentially between 10 am to 3pm. Early mornings are the best time to work out during summer; you can enjoy the early morning fresh cool air and who knows maybe even the sunrise.
Keep your cool
Black absorbs more heat, why? It’s time for a little science 101. Since light is an energy, the more light an object absorbs, the more it can generate heat. In colors, black absorbs more heat as it does not reflect light at all. So take note that the lighter the color, the more it will help reflect heat. Wear loose cotton-made materials or ‘hi-tech’ sportswear that is made from materials to keep your cool.
Apply and protect
Did you know that even on a cloudy day you can get sunburned? So never ever forget to apply sunscreen before heading outside. Use a sunscreen that has SPF45 and above to be sure.
Stay hydrated
Before you go out, drink a glass or two of water. Carry a bottle of water when you’re out for your exercise routine. Take a sip – not big gulps – every 15 minutes, even when you’re not thirsty. When you’re done with your workout, have a few more glasses of water.
Listen to your body
This is the most important one of all. Stop immediately if you’re feeling dizzy, faint or nauseous. Never ignore these signs that your body is giving you.
Pick up the right sport
Some sports become more popular in the summer and can help to keep you cool. If you’re near a body of water, water sports like surfing, swimming, and diving allow you to stay cool under water’s refreshing and cooling properties while still keeping you outdoors. And yes, believe it or not, water sports do make you much stronger and more fit when practiced regularly.
Exercise in short, regular bursts outside
There’s no doubt that the heat can be oppressive, but what you can do is stay outside to exercise in short bursts throughout the day rather than one long, concentrated stretch. Instead of exercising outside for an hour, try exercising in four 15-minute segments throughout the day. As long as you’re exercising at your target heart rate, the quality of your exercise regimen should not suffer. This way, you can get the workout your body needs without exposing yourself to the sun for long periods of time.
Source: Readme.ae
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