Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Seven home herbs for the sharp mind !

अर्चना पनेरुको सेक्स भिडियो यु-ट्युबमा  लिक ! यु- ट्युबबाट हटाउनु भन्दा पहिले यो भिडियो हेरौ !!

- Spikenard: It's root has fibers that look like tangled hair, so in Nepali it it called Jatamansi. It is a very good medicine to increase memory power. Drinking a glass of milk mixed with a spoon of it makes mind sharp.

- Cinnamon: Cinnamon is not only a spice but also a medicine. It makes brain sharp. Brain becomes free of tension when a pinch of cinnamon is taken with a spoon of honey before going to bed and makes brain sharp.

- Turmeric: Turmeric is a very important medicine for sharp brain. It is used for color and taste in food and it also gets rid of memory loss and makes brain sharper.

-  Nutmeg: Nutmeg is also a very important herb for making brain sharp. Using it can get rid of memory loss problem.

- Basil: Usually basil is used for cold and is also very good for making brain sharp. It is a very well known herb. Using it is very beneficial for heart and brain.

- Ginger: Ginger is used to enhance taste in food but with it, ginger also works as a very effective medicine against diseases like insomniac, depression etc.

- Black pepper: A chemical called piperine is found in black pepper which relaxes the brain cells. It is also used to work against diseases like depression and many others. Black pepper is a very effective home herb for keeping brain healthy.
Source: Medianp

Saturday, 19 November 2016

This Natural Face-lift Mask Will Make You A Younger in 5 Minutes.

Wrinkles and sagging skin are every woman's worst nightmare and we're all willing to go to extreme lengths to prevent them from appearing and prolong our skin's youth. 

The following article will be of great use, since it contains an amazing recipe for a natural face-lift mask which will help you look younger in just a 5 minutes. This mask will tighten, nourish and hydrate your skin while giving you a more youthful and healthy look. 

It's also very simple to prepare and you'll only need two ingredients you probably already have in your fridge. It's not only simple to make and effective but it's also very cheap, which means you've got nothing to lose in trying it but a lot to gain.

Ingredients you need:

  • 1 egg white
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons lemon juice
Take one egg and separate the egg white from the yolk. Put it in a bowl and beat it until it's foamy. Add the lemon juice and keep beating the mixture until it's combined. Then you need to clean your face and neck thoroughly and start applying it with your fingers, using circular motions. 

It will start to dry off as soon as you start applying it. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. At the end, apply your favorite moisturizer. Repeat the treatment 3-4 times a week for best results.

In addition to this treatment, if you want to preserve your youthful look you have to relax and avoid thinking about problems or anything that give you stress. Surround yourself with positive people and people you love. Laugh as much as you can and just enjoy life. Improve your diet by adding more fresh organic food and drink plenty of water. Resting is also important so try to sleep for 7-8 hours every night.

Friday, 11 November 2016

The various health benefits of Alum !

The color of Alum is white and it has the various qualities. It is one kind of mineral and it is rock in shape and it is the crystal element. The scientific name of it is Potassium sulfate. It is present in the world for more than 500 years. It has the medical qualities. Here are some of the disease that can be treated with it.

1. Wound:

Take Alum and make it warm and grind it and apply it on the wound, the wound will get recover. You can wash the wound with the alum water. Take 2 gram alum, 2 gram sindur and make a powder of it and take 30 gram ghee and 120 milligram mum and cook it on light fire and add other powder on it and apply it on the wound like a medicine, wound gets recovered. 

2. Blood flow from nose:

Smell the cow's milk and alum with nose, the blood flow from nose gets recovered. If it is not recovered than you can take a cloth and sink it on the alum water and apply it on the forehead and you can drink the alum water 3 times a day as well.

3. Irritation on teeth and saliva:

Add the black salt and alum and make a power of it and you can brush it on your teeth and saliva, irritation gets away.

4. Pain in eyes:

Take 1 gram alum and 40 gram rose water and keep it on bottle and apply it eyes 2 drops per day it will prevent the pain in eyes. 

5. Pain in fingers:

If you work more in water than there will be pain in finger if you wash it with alum water it will be better.

6. Saliva pain, wound, blood flood:

Take one part salt, 2 part alum and grind it and apply it for 3 times in a day and rinse alum water, this will make the teeth strong and the problem gets better.

7. Pain in teeth:

Make a powder of alum, mustard oil, salt and filter it and brush the teeth the pain gets better and the pus that comes from saliva too gets treatment.

 8. Malaria fever:

Take one gram alum, 2 gram sugar and before the malaria fever take it on the interval of 2 hours and whenever the fever comes do the same process. On this process the victim shouldn't have cough if there is cough there first you should the cough away.

9. Internal wound:

Add a alum in cow's milk and drink it will be very beneficial.

10. Pain: 

There will be the burn while doing the urine and during this grind 6 gram alum and shake it on a water and drink it the result will be seen in some days.

11. Dry cough:

Grind 10 gram alum and 100 gram sugar in same amount and mix it and make a ball of it and eat it daily with cow's milk. This will improve the dry cough.

12. Wet cough:

Similarly do the same like in dry cough but drink it with hot water instead of milk.

13. Asthma:

Lick the alum and honey this will make you feel relaxed and you can get it with rose water as well the asthma gets prevented.

14. Infertility:

Wash the sex organ with alum water or clean it with a clothes and alum water three times a day, this will prevent the infertility.

15. Increment of tonsils:

Rinse a mouth with alum powder and water this will relax you and reduce the pain as well.

16. Blood flow from wound:

When you get wound there will be the flow of blood on such wound apply the alum powder the blood flow will stop there.


Friday, 28 October 2016

How to cure Tonsillitis and sore throat in only 4 hours!

भिडियो Download गर्नुहोस !

Tonsillitis is a dangerous disease, mostly doctors solve this problem with surgery, but that, in fact is not true. Many natural cures have been proven to be effective treatments of angina, without medications and surgeries.

In this article, we are going to talk about the most common, the most effective and successful remedy. Back in the days, ancient people used seeds of cumin as the most dominant and potent seed in treating sore throat and tonsillitis. 

It will take only 4 hours of your day and it will solve your problem easily and cheap because it's probably already in your kitchen.

Thankfully, this information has passed from many generations and it's still here:


  • 1 tbsp of whiskey or cognac
  • 80 grams of cumin or black seeds
  • 250 ml filtered water


Put the seeds in the water and let them boil for approximately 15 minutes. When the mixture combines you will get a thick black structure. 


Take one tablespoon in every 30 minutes for 4 hours. You don't have to wait for results. The improvements show immediately.
Source: World of health 365

Friday, 21 October 2016

The Lemon and Baking Soda - Great combination: 10,000 times stronger than Chemotherapy.

फोर्ब्स म्यागेजिनले यो वर्ष प्रकाशित गरेको एसियाका ३० वर्षमुनीका प्रभावशाली व्यक्तिको सूचीमा ५ नेपाली अटाएका छन् । फाेर्ब्स १० विधामा ३० जनाका दरले ३० सय प्रभावशाली युवाको सूची प्रकाशित गरेको थियो ।

रवि कुमार, कोड फर नेपाल

जनकपुरका रवी कुमार अहिले विश्व बैंकको प्रमुख डिजिटल स्ट्राटेजिस्टको रुपमा वासिङ्टन डिसीमा कार्यरत छन् । उनले आफ्नी पत्नीसँग मिलेर स्थापना गरेको कोड फर नेपालले नेपालम्याप डट ओआरजीमार्फत नेपालसम्बन्धी सबै तथ्यांक सजिलै उपलब्ध गराउने लक्ष्य राखेको छ ।

साथै, उनले नेपालका दुर्गम गाउँमा २५ स्कुल पुननिर्माणको लागि सहयोग गरेको फोर्ब्समा उल्लेख गरेको छ ।

आशिष आचार्य र सविन भण्डारी,ह्वाइटस्पेश

सन् २०१२ मा कलेज पढ्दापढ्दै दुईले नेपालकै पहिलो अनलाइन स्टोर्स थ्रेडपेन्ट्स खोल्ने निर्णय गरेका थिए । थ्रेडपेन्ट्स अहिले टीशर्ट, घडी, व्यागदेखि हरेक सामानको लागि चर्चित बनेको छ । थ्रेडपेन्ट्सले स्थानीय डिजाइनरले डिजाइन गरेका टिशर्टहरु बिक्री सुरु गरेको थियो । उसले नेपालमा भूकम्प गएपछि सहयोग संकलनको लागि टीशर्ट फर रिलिफ नामक अभियान चलाएको थियो ।

सुर्य कार्की, दियालो फाउण्डेशन

नेपालका दुर्गम गाउँमा बस्ने बालबालिकालाई नि:शुल्क शिक्षा दिने उद्देश्यका साथ कार्कीले दियालो फाउण्डेशन सुरु गरेका हुन् । यसले दुर्गमका बासिन्दालाई दीगो ऊर्जा र कृषिको बारेमा सेवा प्रदान गरिरहेको फोर्ब्सले जनाएको छ । कार्की अहिले बेइजिङमा अध्ययनरत छन् ।

प्रभात यादव, एक्स्प्लोर ग्याजेट

एक्स्प्लोर ग्याजेट यूट्युवमा निकै लोकप्रिय छ । काठमाडौंमा स्थापित एक्स्प्लोर ग्याजेटले सन् २०१२ देखि यूट्युव च्यानल सञ्चालन गरेको थियो । च्यानलले नेपाली दर्शकलाई पछिल्लो प्रविधिको जानकारी दिंदै आएको छ । एक लाख सब्स्क्राइबर पुगेपछि यूट्युवले दिने सिल्भर प्ले बटन अवार्ड पाउने यादव एक मात्र नेपाली भएको फोब्र्सले जनाएको छ । च्यानमा अहिले ३ लाख ६० हजार सब्स्क्राइबर छन् ।

It is not very strange that lemon has strong anti-cancer properties. In addition, there are many other beneficial qualities other than this. It has a very strong effect on cysts and tumors. This plant is tested on all types of cancer, and if the baking soda is added it will be even better, because it will normalize the pH value of the body.

Lemon has a very strong anti-microbial effect with a very broad spectrum of activity against bacterial and fungal infections. Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure and is a powerful antidepressant, reduces stress and nervous crises.

An interesting source of this information: it comes from one of the largest drug manufactures, who says that after 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970 until now, proved the following:

Lemon is destroying carcinogenic cells of 12 types of cancers. Lemon prevents the spread of carcinogenic cells and has 10,000 times stronger effect of drugs such as Adriamycin, chemotherapy and narcotic products. 

And what is even more interesting - this kind of treatment with the extract of lemon and soda destroys carcinogenic cells only and does not affect the health.

The patient should drink lemon juice with a teaspoon of baking soda. And of course, this medicine does not have terrible side effects typical of chemotherapy. Organic lemon is 100 times more efficient than lemon grown with chemical fertilizers and sprayed with chemicals.

If you want to prevent the development of cancer, you need to resist the acidity, crating an alkaline environment. 

Perfect climate in the body is maintained by several important factors:

  • Menu should consist of at least 80% fresh fruits and vegetables, especially vegetables like kale and spinach.
  • Consuming approximately half a liter of purified water each day.
  • Mental and emotional calmness and relaxation.
  • Periodically check your pH.


  • 240 ml filtered water.
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Juice of 1 lemon

Mix all ingredients and drink them on an empty stomach. Consume this solution at least three times a day.

This potion saves lives and that is proven by hundreds of studies, but hardly anyone knows that is so healing. People just do not believe, probably because it is a very accessible and cheap commodity, but really is not. Did you know that lemon and baking soda can be more healing than chemotherapy? 

The combination of lemon and baking soda has been proven to be powerful cancer ''killer'' 10,000 times more than chemotherapy.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Look younger in 5 minutes: A natural face-lift mask that left plastic surgeons speechless !

Although it sounds quite weird, but if you want to avoid the appearance of wrinkles you should stop laughing. Still, we have better solution: you don't have to suppress your emotions as there is natural way to stop the appearance of wrinkles and even erase them from your face.

As a matter of fact, natural cosmetic treatments are significantly better option than the conventional. We recommend you to try this remarkable face mask that has amazing lifting effect. It will help you to prevent wrinkles and in same time to erase them.

Below we are going to present you the recipe for anti - wrinkles homemade face mask which undoubtedly is the best natural solution which is will help you to get rid of the aging signs.

Namely, this perfect combination of natural ingredients will tighten, nourish and hydrate sagged skin and in same time will provide you more youthful and healthy look. It is very easy to prepare it, but the best is that is very cheap. After the treatment, your face will be grateful.

Needed ingredients:

  • 1 egg white (from medium size egg)
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Method of preparation:

First of all separate the egg white from the egg yolk. After that put the egg white in a bowl, and beat until foaming. Then, add the lemon juice. You should continue with beating for a few minutes until you get nice, homogeneous mixture.


First step is to clean well your face. Also, don't forget the neck. After that, with the help of your fingertips, take of the mixture and apply the mask with gentle, circular movements. After a while you will notice that the mask dries.

You should leave the mask to act about 5 - 10 minutes and then remove it with warm or cold water by your choice. After the treatment, apply moisturizer.

In order to achieve best results it is recommended to repeat this treatment at least 3 or 4 times weekly. You will be amazed by the results.

If you want to look younger, you should relax and avoid anything that causes you stress. You should be surrounded with people that have positive energy. You should never stop laughing. Consume healthy food, that is fresh and organic and also drink plenty of water. Sleep is essential, so try to sleep uninterruptedly at least 7 - 8 hours during the night.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Say goodbye to cough phlegm, Flu and clean the Lungs forever with this natural recipe.

In this article, we are going to present you a recipe that is extremely effective in treating the excess of mucus and cough. It contains only natural ingredients and has no side effects at all. It is perfectly safe for children and adults. The main ingredients is juice made of fresh carrots, because in that way, it will preserve the beneficial nutrients.

What makes Carrots Good for you?

  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Improve cardiovascular health.
  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Improve skin health and reduce acne.
  • Cleanse and detoxify the body.
  • Are an excellent source of calcium which improves digestion. 



  • 1/2 a kg of Carrots
  • Some water
  • 3-4 tablespoons of organic honey


- First, peel the carrots. Then, boil them until they become soft and keep the liquid in which they have boiled.

- Mash the boil Carrots.

- Add the honey in the water and combine it with the carrot puree.

- Keep it in a cool place.

- This recipe is very old and famous. It will help you clean your lungs and you won't have any problems with cold or flu. Don't hesitate and try it out today.


Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Remove those ugly dark patches from your skin by using this natural home remedies.

भिडियो हेर्नुहोस !!

Dark skin spots or patches are a common issue which affects many people and even though it's not a medical problem per say it still very unattractive and everyone who has it tries their best to fix this condition.

They usually appear on the neck, under the arms and on the inner things and can be a result of a combination of factors. Ineffective cleaning of the neck area, excessive sun exposure or a genetics issues are the most common causes of this condition. Other known causes include diabetes, poly-cystic ovary syndrome and sudden weight gain or weight loss.

Dark skin patches can be removed via cosmetic treatments but these treatments usually involve the use of chemicals and can be rather costly. For those who don't like to expose their skin to unnecessary chemical treatments or just can't afford it, we've got the perfect natural remedy which guarantees amazing results.

Required Ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of Olive Oil,
  • One tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
  • One tablespoon of Salt.


Make a smooth cream by mixing all of the ingredients in a plastic bowl. Then, apply the cream on the skin area with dark patches, and allow it to stay for about 20 minute. After this period, wash it with plenty of cold water.

Another option to remove dark, almost black skin stains, is by using milk, white clay, and lemon. Add lemon and milk in a bowl with white clay, and mix well. Apply the obtained mixture on the skin area and let it stay for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the skin with cold water.


  • Use sunscreen with appropriate UV protection when going out in the sun.
  • Consume foods rich in vitamin - E  and drink a lot of water.
  • Use extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and preferably skim milk for the preparation of the remedy.
  • You can also add a bit of coconut oil in the mixture.
  • Do this procedure three times per week. until the dark patches disappear.  

This natural recipe is definitely worth trying it !

Friday, 23 September 2016

Benefits of drinking lemon and water.

सुक्खा पहिरो सडकमा खस्दा नारायणगढ मुंलिंग सडकखण्डमा धेरै जनधनको क्षति ! ताजा लाइभ खिचिएको भिडियो हेर्नुहोस !!

Know the benefits of lemon along water. It is good for your health especially in summer season. Having vitamin C rich lemon regularly can actually benefit your health and skin. The most wonderful benefit of lemon water is to lose weight. Vitamin C which is abundantly found in lemon helps to remove weakness on immunity system of the body and also prevents from problem related to blood circulation and problems related to eyes. Those with diabetes can also get benefit from it.

According to Dr Mark Moyad from Michigan University the high level of vitamin in blood shows that the body is getting enough nutritional supplement. Especially to drink lemon water in empty stomach at morning is great for health. Some of the lemon water benefits are as follows:

1. Lemon has great vitamin C content which help to strengthen the immunity power of body.

2. Regular drinking of lemon water help to balance your acidity.

3. Lemon contain pectin Fibre which keep colon of intestine healthy showing its great antibacterial properties.

4. Drinking lemon water in empty stomach can helps to remove toxic waste from the body.

5. It is also good for common cold.

6. It prevent from bacterial growth and development inside the body.

7. Lemon are also considered the source of calcium, potassium, citric acid and phosphorus.

8. It also help in the balance production of enzyme which helps to keep liver healthy.

9. It also keep calcium and oxygen balance in liver.

10. It help in digestive system and also solve problem of constipation.

11. Drinking lemon water daily prevent from the formation of stone in kidney.

12. It keep good flow of nutrition to the brain and keep immune system healthy.

13. It also help to reduce joint pain as it disintegrate uric acid.

Source: Medianp

Friday, 16 September 2016

These are signs showing that your blood sugar is very high.

Blood sugar levels are very important thing in the human organism. You need to control it regularly, because it may cause you different serious health issues. In our organism sugar is consumed through the food.

High blood pressure is also known as a hyperglycemia, and it occurs when the body is not able to use all the glucose, which presents type 2 Diabetes or it has lack of glucose which present type 1 diabetes.

In case this disease is lasting longer, for example couple of months, you will have problem with different organs, because it will hit 0 every organ which is the weaker.

In diabetics, blood sugar can be increased under the cause of different factors. In addition we are going to present you the factors which have the role in increasing the blood sugar levels.

  • Over-treating an episode of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar.)
  • Missing a dose or taking a wrong dose of the diabetes medication.
  • A lack of exercise.
  • Stress.
  • An illness, like a common cold.
  • Dehydration.
  • Overeating, such as snacking between meals.
  • Certain medicines, like steroid medication. 

In addition to this post we are going to present you the symptoms of high blood sugar levels, in order to notice the disease faster, and eliminate it quickly.

  • Frequent urination or urination during the night.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Impotence.
  • Recurrent infections.
  • Slow healing of cuts and wounds.
  • Stomach problems.
  • Constant fatigue or extreme tiredness.
  • Increased thirst.
  • Dry and itchy skin.
  • Constant hunger.
  •  Excess abdominal fat/weight gain.
  • Nerve problems.

In this post, in addition we are going to present you to reduce blood sugar levels with Glycemic food. The Glycemic index or simple GI indicates a number of carbs in foods which increase blood sugar levels, and it can vary from 0 to 100.

High-GI ingredients are processed much faster than low-GI foods, so the consumption of the latter will reduce insulin levels. Moreover, those foods are also beneficial for losing weight.

In addition we are going to present you the foods which are good for those who struggle with diabetes and the food rich in low-GI foods:

  • One egg - 0
  • One cup of hummus equals - 6
  • One cup of broccoli - 10
  • One mid-sized yellow onion - 10
  • One cup of walnuts - 15
  • One cup of cherries - 22
  • One cup of cashew nuts - 22
  • One cup of yogurt - 23
  • One Turkey sausage - 28
  • One cup of kidney beans - 31
  • One cup of butter beans - 34
  • 8 ounces of tomato juice - 38
  • One mid-sized apple - 38
  • One cup of spaghetti - 42
  • One cup of green grapes - 46
  • 8 ounces of pineapple juice - 46
  • One large carrot - 47
  • One medium orange - 48
  • One large grapefruit - 50
  • One large banana - 52
  • One cup of peas - 54

Moderate GI foods:

(Foods with a GI between 55 and 69 are considered to be moderate GI foods, so you should consume them in moderate amounts.)

  • One cup of brown rice - 55
  • One tablespoon of raw honey - 55
  • One cup of oatmeal - 58
  • One cup of regular white rice - 64
  • One serving of macaroni and cheese - 64

High GI foods:

(High GI foods are between 70 and 100 on the scale, and their regular consumption causes various severe health problems. It is highly recommended to avoid these foods.)

  • One slice of regular white bread - 70
  • 2 cups of popcorn - 72
  • One Doughnut (glazed) - 76
  • One rice cake - 78
  •  One mid-sized baked potato - 85
  • One serving of corn flakes - 92
  • 50 grams of glucose - 100
Sugar in your blood need to be regulated properly, and you will do that with proper healthy food and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Source: Health Herbs 365

Sunday, 11 September 2016

These are 3 home remedies cure cracked heels easily.

Many people are tortured by cracked heels, hard and white skin. This problem does not only affect old people but young people are also affected by it. Truly saying the heels have not actually cracked and it is caused when not cleaning foot properly takes a drastic turn.

Our skin becomes hard when body parts get rubbed over rough things to protect soft skin. The hard skin is called callus and it is mainly found in hands and legs. It takes a long time to clean these hard skin. Below are listed some home remedies to cure it.

1. Sugar: 

- Take half a glass of sugar in a bowl. 
- Add half a cup of warm water, glycerin or coconut oil in it and make a thick paste.
- Mint can also be added in the paste.
- This makes hard skin or callus soft and clean when applied everyday.

2. Pineapple: 

- After cutting a pineapple rub the outer skin on hard and cracked skin and wrap it with a cloth.
- Do it again after an hour and do it continuously for a week.
- Enzymes in pineapple help to heal cracks.

3. Baking Soda:

- The best way to cure cracked heels is to wet it with warm water.
- It makes hard skin soft and helps to cure it.
- Similarly it can be cured using adding baking soda to the water. 

Source: Medianp

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Please follow this 7 suggestions for prevention of the diabetes.

Once the diabetes gets entered into your body than you can not heal it. But you can prevent it before enters into body. Here, we are going to give you 7 suggestions to prevent the diabetes yourself. 

1. Food and high protein: People with the risk of diabetes should include the food with more protein in their food. You should eat less food with fat and carbohydrate. The high protein will make the energy constant in the body and it also increase the metabolism as well.

2. Quit smoking: The smoking will affect the cardiovascular and hormone forming and welcomes the diabetes. Quit this habit will reduce the risk and you will be healthy as well.

3. Drink more water: Water is the element that is very necessary for living. Drinking more water will help to take out the high sugar level from the body and it wont let the level raise. This will also prevent the heart disease as well as keeps away from diabetes.

4. Sufficient sleep: According to research it has found that people who sleep for 7 to 8 hours has less risk of diabetes. Lack of sleep imbalance the hormone of the body and the diabetes might cause.

5. Exercise: Exercise helps you to get rid from diabetes. This will keep you healthy as well as free from other diseases as well. You can start your day with simple exercise. 

6. Fiber: The fiber will absorb the sugar level of the body and this will help to take out the insulin as well.

7. Blood test: You need to do regular test of your blood. If you are fat and with high blood pressure then you need to check your blood frequently.

Source: Medianp

Friday, 9 September 2016

13 Natural Home Remedies for Hands & Feet Irritation.

Symptoms of Hands & Feet Irritation.

Sometimes, someone has hands & feet irritation. Such a person, they having on hands & feet feel like a heat a fire. Sometimes a person makes more concerned about this burning of hand and foot. So, early in its treatment of this illness could be avoided. It is also possible to home treatment, which is today we are going to tell you about this Natural remedies.

Home Remedies:

- Rub the Gourd fleshy in hand and foot, it will helps to reducing the irritation.

- Apply the pure ghee on hands and feet.

- Mixed the fennel powder with Rock sugar (Mishri) and consumption 2-2 tablespoons everyday until one week, after dinner.

- Make the onion paste, and apply this paste on hand and foot regularly one week.

- Make the raw potato paste and regularly apply this on hand and foot, It will helps to clam irritation.

- Apply the paste of watermelon on hand and foot, it will also helps to relief the burning.

- Apply the black clay on hand and foot and leave sometimes, and wash properly. Regularly do this practice for a week, It will give you very fantastic result.

- Keep your hands and feet on fresh and cold water 10 minutes and wipe by soft and clean towel, do this also regular basis. This will helps to minimize the irritation.

- Drink lots of pure water.

- Walk in the morning everyday.

- Consumption more salad, like a Cabbage, Cucumber, Turmps etc.

- Don't eat more which can producing the hot for body, try to eat small amount of like this substances.

- Increase the large amount of green vegetables in your diet. 

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