Sunday, 11 September 2016

These are 3 home remedies cure cracked heels easily.

Many people are tortured by cracked heels, hard and white skin. This problem does not only affect old people but young people are also affected by it. Truly saying the heels have not actually cracked and it is caused when not cleaning foot properly takes a drastic turn.

Our skin becomes hard when body parts get rubbed over rough things to protect soft skin. The hard skin is called callus and it is mainly found in hands and legs. It takes a long time to clean these hard skin. Below are listed some home remedies to cure it.

1. Sugar: 

- Take half a glass of sugar in a bowl. 
- Add half a cup of warm water, glycerin or coconut oil in it and make a thick paste.
- Mint can also be added in the paste.
- This makes hard skin or callus soft and clean when applied everyday.

2. Pineapple: 

- After cutting a pineapple rub the outer skin on hard and cracked skin and wrap it with a cloth.
- Do it again after an hour and do it continuously for a week.
- Enzymes in pineapple help to heal cracks.

3. Baking Soda:

- The best way to cure cracked heels is to wet it with warm water.
- It makes hard skin soft and helps to cure it.
- Similarly it can be cured using adding baking soda to the water. 

Source: Medianp


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