Saturday 11 February 2017

Stone Of Gall Bladder Remove By Medicines?

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Among the people of this world, more than 10% are suffering from gall bladder stone. Accurate statistical data in Nepal is not yet published but the estimation data is about 15%. This stone can occurs with any age group people but 30 to 40 years old people are in high risk. In comparison of male and female, female are more suffering from gall bladder. But the latest report show that it will may be due to heredity too. There are many people in Nepal who are suffer from stone problem and in increasing trend. 


The main reason behind stone of gall bladder is yet not found, it is differ from the surgeons and physicians. Such reasons are:

- Fatness
- Diabetes
- Loosing more weight
- Regular fasting
- Blood pressure
- Excessive use of pregnancy medicines


Generally, there are no any special symbol or symptom of gall bladder stone. It is only found by doing video x-ray of stomach. Among the patients, only 20% people feel stomach pain which they suffer from gall bladder stone. The pain due to stone is at right side and at upper stomach. Sometimes pain may occurs at right arms and back. The pain will occur only after talking oily foods. Another main symptom is nausea and problems in digestion. 


- Germs in gall bladder
- Jaundice
- Gall bladder cancer


Gall bladder operation have higher proportion among all other operation in all over the world. The major treatment of this problem is operation. But nowadays, operation of gall bladder done by microscope and computer technology. This method of doing treatment is costly but save the time, less pain to patients and less risk. Patients can walk after 6 to 8 hours because of less pain. After 24 hours, patients get discharged from the hospital, and after 72 hours, they catch their normal living standard.

Many people want to know that the stone of gall bladder can be remove through medicines or not? It cannot be remove by medicines, it needs operation. There is no any medicines made that remove the stone of gall bladder. 


नेपालीमा पढ्नुहोस !


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